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  • Writer's pictureJenny Cox

Fitness Advice by Fitness Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts

Are you ready to focus on a refreshed lifestyle and fitness routine? Jenny Cox, Writer and Content Creator of Jenny Writes, interviewed Shannon Riley Roberts, fitness professional, elite personal trainer and group exercise instructor, to gather valuable fitness tips for all seasons of life! Enjoy Shannon’s helpful fitness advice to feel empowered and confident to make healthy changes for impressive results.

Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts;
Professional & Elite Personal Trainer, Shannon Riley Roberts

Shannon Riley Roberts, current owner of her own health and wellness company ( and former Fitness Manager with The Club at The Township, has worked in the Fitness and Wellness Industry for 30+ years. She is a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, and a self-motivated fitness instructor who stays current on fitness ideas and trends with over thirty years of active experience.

Shannon creates a training environment that motivates the client and empowers him or her to challenge themselves in a fun and rewarding way. She believes that fitness is neither an action one does nor just a goal to achieve. Being fit is a rewarding lifestyle that pays dividends in all areas: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

She has instructed numerous group exercise classes including: water aerobics, Zumba, kickboxing, body sculpting, cardio, weightlifting, yoga and even trapeze yoga, just to name a few. She is also a Transformation Specialist, Nationally Certified Elite Personal Trainer, and she is also a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher (200-RYT) with Yoga Alliance.  She holds other national certifications in: Corrective Exercise, Fitness Nutrition, Fitness Trainer, Yoga, and Trapeze Yoga.

Her interest in fitness began when she joined her first group fitness class at age 15. It was during that time that Shannon's love for fitness and a deep desire to help others attain their personal fitness goals and live a healthy and happy lifestyle began to develop. 

Shannon loves all things fitness and finds her career path rewarding; but her most rewarding and proud work is seen in her two children. She homeschooled both of her children from middle school through high school. Her family’s daily habit was to work out at the local gym every morning at 6:45 a.m. before school began. 

Shannon's daughter lives in Mississippi with her husband and daughter; and Shannon's son lives in Washington D.C. with his wife and their son. Both of Shannon’s children hold a Kinesiology degree from Mississippi College and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle -  Shannon says this is proof of the importance that children not only see their parents leading a healthy lifestyle, but good, healthy habits continue into their adulthood. 

Shannon and her husband John embarked upon an adventure of a lifetime across America in their Airstream travel trailer and have featured their travel adventures on their YouTube channel "Life Aluminated."  

Shannon, what advice would you like to offer for someone just starting to get into an exercise routine?

"Simply - just start. Start now and start slow. If at all possible, hire a personal trainer to work with you to establish a foundation in strength training that will avoid injury. If you are unable to use a personal trainer, I would recommend two other options: find a buddy to workout with or join a group exercise class you enjoy. If you like to dance, try Zumba or Hip-Hop; if you prefer something slower, try yoga or a Les Mills Bodyflow class. There are dozens of group fitness classes to choose from and you are guaranteed to find one you enjoy. Enjoying the journey to health and wellness is key to develop the habit of fitness. Exercise needs to a part of your lifestyle, so finding joy in it will motivate you to continue."

Shannon, do you specialize in any training styles?

"Along with one-on-one personal training, I specialize in yoga, trauma-informed yoga, and trapeze yoga. I also have a love for corrective exercise therapy where I help my clients focus on a regimen or plan of physical activities that will facilitate their recovery from an injury or illness which is interfering with their daily activities and quality of life."

What are some simple changes a person can make to his/her diet to help with their fitness goals?

"Throughout the years, one thing I have consistently seen is that most people do not have any idea how many calories they consume in a day. For example, as a wife/mom, how many calories are in the “samples” you eat while preparing a meal for your family before actually sitting down to enjoy it? How many calories do you consume by “cleaning up” the children’s plates? How many calories are you consuming through what you drink in your coffee, wine, juice or sodas?

The best advice I can offer in regard to making positive, life-changing decisions is to join a hands-on program and download a food tracker. My company runs a “30 Days to Healthy Living” where one is personally coached throughout the 30 days to reset one’s patterns and choices, learn portion size and control, identify foods that might not be serving the body well while learning about nutrient-dense, plant-based whole foods and creating a healthy sustainable lifestyle. Another piece of advice is to download a food tracker. There are several FREE apps available for Apple and Android devices. Using the food tracker, track every bite and drink you ingest for a week. This will give you a gut-honest look at your starting point. All trackers offer either a calorie deficit goal for those wanting to lose weight or a calorie surplus goal for those wanting to gain weight. By simply staying within the calorie and macronutrient parameters provided by the food tracking app, you will know what is needed to meet your goal."
John & Shannon

Can you give an example of types of foods that you would recommend your clients eat for breakfast, snacks, lunch or dinner?

"Each person is different and has differing tastes. I do not recommend you follow what someone else is doing, but instead find what works for you.

One rule that will apply to everyone is that the body needs to be fueled, and this is best done through nutrient-dense foods. My company’s “30 Days to Healthy Living” offers a teaching plate template of 50 % vegetables, 25 % lean protein, and 25 % healthy fats. Following this template will certainly result in weight loss. Most grocery stores are laid out in a similar manner with the most nutrient-dense foods located on the perimeter of the store. It is on the perimeter you will find vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and dairy. Try to get the majority of your calories from these sections and very little from the center of the store, where you will find all your less nutrient-dense processed foods such as items in boxes, bags, or cans."

Fitness Advice

What would you like to say to women who are mothers working inside the home as a mother or wife and/or working outside the home and juggling many responsibilities and having a difficult time finding free time to exercise?

I have raised two children who were two years apart in age; so I have been there and completely understand. I would remind every person that you cannot pour from an empty cup. Mom-guilt is real, but totally unhealthy. By taking time to exercise, a mom is really taking the best care of herself so she may pour more into her children and family. There should be NO GUILT here.

If a mom does not have the means to secure a babysitter or her gym does not have childcare, she can choose other options for this season. For example, she may walk or run with the child/children in a running stroller, or she may include the child in her exercise. I have precious memories of teaching step aerobics in the 1990’s with my two-year old daughter in the back of the class exercising with her “baby step.” Another example can be as simple as getting the family out to walk together - no equipment needed!

As hard as it is to hear and come to terms with: every person is doing exactly what they want in terms of health and wellness, and we all get the same 24 hours. If you honestly believe exercise is important, you will make time for it.

Fitness Advice

What do you like most about what you do?

"This question is so hard to answer because I LOVE everything about working in the Fitness & Wellness Industry. I have the privilege of joining another person on their journey to a new life through health and wellness. I get to witness, firsthand, people taking back their health. These people start out as “clients,” but soon become “family.”

“A person’s fitness journey has less to do with a number on the scale and more to do with the growth of the person that includes physical growth, emotional growth, mental growth, and spiritual growth. After 30+ years I can honestly say that all the above areas are interconnected and progress in one area results in progress in the other areas as well."

Physical and mental stamina and strength go hand-in-hand. As a Christian, how do you use your faith to help and encourage your clients?

As a Christ-follower, my relationship with Jesus impacts every single aspect of my life to include my profession. Regardless of the person’s personal belief system, based on John 3:16, I know Jesus died for every individual; this means every single person was so valuable that Jesus voluntarily laid down His life for that person. As Jesus’ follower, this means I also see every single person as valuable. The belief of inherent value, based on Christ, is why I consider it a privilege to help a person He loves become the best, healthy, whole version of him/her self.

Early in my career I started the habit of praying for each and every single one of my clients by name; I also pray with my clients as the opportunity presents itself. I recently was working with one sweet lady who would constantly call on Jesus to “help her” when the exercise was tough. She would say, “Oh Jesus, help me!” To which I would respond, “Scripture says, ‘You can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens you.’” (Phil. 4:13). This would continue until our session was done. It has been my experience that when I am ready and willing to be used by Him for His glory, He will open the doors of opportunity every time.

What are your words of encouragement to those needing a boost to get into a fitness routine or healthy lifestyle?

Start today! Make one small change TODAY. For example, get out and walk, choose more veggies today, drink more water, join a gym, find a workout partner, and tell someone what you are doing TODAY to start your journey back to health and wellness.

Could you share with us your favorite quotes or Bible verses that encourage you?

My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and future.”

Also, Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to carry out His purpose and do abundantly more than all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams, according to His power that is at work within us.”

Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts;

During your travel adventures on your Airstream, what creative ways have you and your husband John incorporated exercise and healthy meals into your daily routine?

"Even though we are traveling a large portion of every year, we maintain a healthy lifestyle. Most people ask “How?” The answer is really quite simple, "We maintain a healthy lifestyle, because it is our lifestyle." We continue to make wise choices at mealtimes such as mostly plant-based options and we move our bodies. My husband and I are approximately 98% plant-based. We choose to be plant-based for health reasons and the fact is that we both feel and perform better when on a plant-based diet. Following a plant-based diet makes meal prepping and clean up easy on the road. All we need is fresh fruits and vegetables. We plan to make it a priority to shop at local farmers’ markets on our trip.

Each person’s body will speak, too, and all we need to do is be still and quiet long enough to listen. Some days we hear how our body needs a structured fitness center workout, so we visit the local fitness center and ask for either a day or week pass. Other times, we use the equipment we brought with us: a plyometric box, TRX Suspension System, 25lb. dumbbells, several kettlebells of varying weights, yoga mat, and a trapeze yoga rig. We find either a covered pavilion at the campground or open-air space and enjoy a workout based on our equipment. Some days we hike for long distances in differing terrain. Also, when traveling with a group and the opportunity presents itself, I lead yoga classes."

Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts

Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts

Reminiscing on your adventure across the United States this past year, what have been your favorite travel memories and places that you and John have visited? Can you share what’s ahead on your travel itinerary?

"Last year (2021) we spent 5.5 months traveling predominately in the western part of the U.S. We made our way from Mississippi up to South Dakota (Custer South Park), over to Glacier National Park, and then slowly worked our way down Idaho into Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico, where we joined 29 other Airstream travel trailers for a 2 months, four-corners Southwestern Adventure. We followed that with three weeks in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and then headed back to Mississippi for late fall and winter.

We are privileged to live in this beautiful country full of breathtaking places and special people. We saw amazingly beautiful places and met adventurous and kind people all along our journey. While we saw too many places to share all of them, a few of my favorite places were the slot canyons in Utah, the hoodoos at Bryce Canyon; and the arches at Zion National Park were incredible to see.

This year (2022) we left Mississippi heading the opposite direction from 2021. We slowly worked our way to the bottom of the Blue Ridge Parkway to start a caravan with 19 other Airstream trailers while we meandered along the 469 scenic miles taking in its beauty from every direction from North Carolina to Virginia. We felt adrenaline rush our veins as we zip-lined the mountains, enjoyed a delicious brunch at the Grove Park Inn, toured the majestic Biltmore Estate, partook of the multitude of wineries, visited Monticello and enjoyed a delicious southern meal at Michie Tavern. Then we made our way to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and joined 29 other Airstream trailers to ferry over into Newfoundland to retrace where the first settlements were inhabited by Europeans in North America. We are expected to immerse ourselves into a culture which developed isolated by its rugged terrain. We will see puffins and moose, kiss a cod and enjoy lots of good food and music. We will visit Viking villages, take whale and iceberg boat tours, see historic sites, zip-line over falls, and be challenged by various breathtaking hikes.

We will end summer 2022 and enter fall by spending time in North Carolina enjoying the changing leaves as we return to Mississippi in late September/October.

Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts

Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts

Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts

What have you enjoyed the most about your Airstream adventure?

"There are endless things I have enjoyed about traveling, but first and foremost is the honor and privilege to slow down, open my eyes, and witness the handiwork of my Creator God.

My husband, John, and I are newlywed (Jan 2021). I was looking forward to undivided and distraction-free time for us to continue to get to know each other better. Last year, 5.5 months in a 30-ft aluminum "can" (270 sq. ft) provided an ideal opportunity for a lot of bonding, compromising, and deep connecting. I expect this year will do the same as we continue to pursue our individual goals and couple goals and grow as people and as a couple.

Lastly, I am a people-person and I am looking forward to meeting all types of people across this great nation and Canada as we learn from others while learning about ourselves on this epic road trip. I believe that every encounter with another person will impact me in some way and is an opportunity for growth. It is my heart’s desire to share my passion of health and wellness and the message of Christ with others along this journey called “life.”

Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts

How can readers follow along with you and John and your travels?

"Join our adventure and see America the Beautiful and Canada, watch us grow on Life Aluminated individually and together as a couple as we interact with all sorts of people across this beautiful country."

Professional & Elite Personal Trainer Shannon Riley Roberts

What encouragement can you offer to those looking to take the next step toward a new venture – from a fitness routine, to pursuing a new business venture, or following that dream they always wished to fulfill?

"I think 2020 taught us all an important lesson: we cannot predict the future. My advice to anyone considering a new venture is to JUST DO IT!!! It’s never too late and one is never too old to start a new business, new relationship, or fulfill a dream. As long as we have a breath left within us, we have an opportunity to make a difference in any person’s life, change our own life and fulfill God’s purpose." ~


Join Shannon and John's travel adventures and subscribe to Life Aluminated.

Learn more about Shannon’s health and wellness company at:


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