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  • Writer's pictureJenny Cox

Take the Next Step...Time is Precious

We are a generation of the here and now. Technology connects us to a world at our fingertips. Yet our minds and hearts have slowly drifted away and disconnected from the Creator of our Universe.

Time ticks away with moments captured by an endless vacuum of TikTok fashion finds and dance crazed videos. In an instant, Instagram elevates comparison to steal joy from our lives and time from our days. Fixated on Facebook, the filtered stories of the lives of others take precedence, while time drifts away for opportunities to live the best life God has planned for us.

We have become a generation of spectators in the world. We live vicariously through others and want others to live vicariously through us. We live as if this time under the sun, this time here on earth is endless. Yet, the days of our lives here on earth are numbered.

Friend, ask yourself today, how can I take the next step to become more eternally focused and move with purpose to live intentionally for God?

We are sojourners here on this earth. Eternity is our home - we are passing travelers on an earthly journey to our eternal home.

One day each of us will stand alone before the Creator of the Universe. We will give account of our days, our thoughts, our actions, the time wasted, and time well spent. Ask yourself today, how could my life be renewed if I opened a Bible as much as I open that social media app? In view of eternity, what really matters in this life?

Scrolling on social media may be endless, but this life is not. The average American male lives 70 years and 4 months and the average American female 73 years and 4 months.

What are you waiting to do "tomorrow, next week, or in a few months?" Do it now, friend - listen to the hands of the clock as if they are saying, "Now...Now!" You were made for a purpose - a beautiful, unique purpose that only your life can offer with your gifts, talents, resources and life experiences to a hurting world.

Take that next step now - whatever it may be. Love lavishly, serve unfettered, give generously, trust God wholeheartedly, and step ahead with confidence that God perfectly guides you each and every step of the way. ~


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